I've been taking thousands and thousands of pictures since I bought my first camera back in 1987 (an Exakta, soon to be followed by a Canon EOS 650). Back then, it was the pre-digital era, so I started out with mainly black & white. Developing films, printing in a dark room with only 1 red light on, those were the days where you actually put a lot of effort into a relatively small amount of pictures. Nowadays it seems to be the other way around; little effort but loads of pictures. I'm not quite sure which era I prefer (I know, I sound like an old man now).
I bought my first digital camera in february 2003 (Sony Cybershot), then a compact in 2005 right before U2's Vertigo tour (Sony DSC-P200), then a DSLR in 2006 (Canon EOS 400D), a compact (Canon Powershot SX200) right before U2's 360 tour in 2009 and finally yet another new compact (Canon Powershot SX700) right before U2's iNNOCENCE + eXPERIENCE tour in 2015. I guess being a U2 fan makes me spend all my money on camera's and tickets ;-)
This portfolio is a selection of my digital work, so no pictures from before 2003. I hope you like it, and if you want to comment on anything; please refer to the "contact" page.
Besides pictures, there's also a Photoshop section. I've been using Photoshop for years, sometimes to edit my own pictures, sometimes to create something from scratch. So I've decided to include a few examples here.
Some of my work is up for sale on society6.com. See the "Shop" section for more information.